"A Day in My Mind"
gay rights, black voice, Jerry Falwell and Clayton King, women pastors, pregnant mothers, homeless shelters and hunger ...
politics, crucifix, worship music, fundamentalists ...
party hardy, raise money, smile, invite people to church ...
politically correct, innerrancy, greek philosophy, computer disks
write papers, print papers, take notes, and read.
do your homework, be open, learn from others, be understanding
feel overwhelmed, feel sad, be tired, be proud.
be humble, be respectful, keep your mouth shut, tell them what you think,
eat right, hurry up, walk fast, ask questions,
give a hug, disagree, work it out, pray.
ask forgiveness, keep it all balanced, be everything, offer answers,
look to God, stay on track, don't worry about your family, be in the moment,
don't look too far ahead, just get some sleep, take a break, things will work out in the end,
walk the dog, do the laundry, cook some dinner, call your mom,
vacuum the carpet, clean the toilet, and don't forget to brush your teeth.
make some coffee, don't fall asleep, check your email, don't forget that appointment ...
and oh yeah,
write a paper on your call to ministry and then explain why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac.
It's too much to handle at times, I don't believe it will ever stop,
I've got 2 1/2 more years of this ...
what was I thinking.